Wednesday, May 29, 2019

When to Replace Locks

Locks are usually the things that keep burglars and thieves away from your property. This is why you want the locks on your residential property, commercial property, and vehicle to work flawlessly. Truth be told, burglars and thieves are very good at what they do. These people spend a great deal of time researching ways to circumvent or to break locks. This is why it is so important to periodically replace the locks on your property. Of course, there are many more problems that can arise when you are dealing with old locks. Let’s take a look at the dangers presented by old, damaged locks and then see why it is so important to replace the locks periodically. Also, we will take a look at the options you have if you want to replace various types of locks on your property.

The Dangers of Old or Malfunctioning Locks

When it comes to locks, you want the best locks that money can buy. Ideally, you should use electronic locks. These are very difficult to break or circumvent. Forcing an electronic lock manufactured by a reputable company to open is almost impossible. And electronic locks can be used in conjunction with other security systems to make your property secure. For example, an electronic lock can work with a CCTV camera and a motion sensor. When somebody approaches the door, the motion sensor picks up the movement and activates the camera and a light. As soon as the light comes on, any would-be burglar will turn tail and run. And in case somebody does manage to get into your home or company, you have it all on tape. In addition, electronic locks are able to store the information of those who access it, along with the exact time and date. You will always know who entered through the door and at what hour.
But most of us don’t afford electronic locks with all their bells and whistles. We are stuck with traditional locks. However, rest assured that even traditional locks can provide the level of safety you require, as long as the locks are working as they should and as long as they are not too old. If the locks are having problems, you and your family are in danger. Here is why:
  • A malfunctioning lock is much easier to break or circumvent than one that works as it should. Thieves and burglars are professionals; they know how to take advantage of all weaknesses.
  • Damaged or old locks are much more prone to getting stuck. This means you can experience a lockout out of the blue and get stuck outside your front door at 3 in the morning.
  • Old locks tend to not work as good as new ones. This means that it is a lot easier to break the key in an old lock than it is to break it into a brand new lock.
  • Older locks do not provide the same level of safety as newer generation locks. Lock technology is advancing at a rapid pace because people are always in need of better protection. This means that newer locks are much more difficult to break.
  • Old locks that suffer from wear and tear can be opened simply by applying some force. This means an attacker can gain entry to your home, your car, or your company in mere seconds. The damage these individuals can do is extreme in some cases.

Why Replace Locks Periodically?

The problems caused by old or damaged locks are many. We have only listed the most common ones above. Bottom line, you don’t want to have old locks on your doors. It doesn’t matter if they are on the doors of your vehicle, your home, or your commercial property. What matters is that they are old and unreliable. Replacing the locks on your property should be one of your main concerns if you want to keep yourself and your family and valuables safe. The newer the lock, the more protection it can offer to you and your family. There are also several other reasons why you would want to replace even relatively new locks: 

Read more at: When to Replace Locks

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Problems that Transponder Keys Can Have

Here are some common problems that can occur with the use of transponder chip keys, along with potential solutions. If you have any questions or concerns about your transponder keys, give a call to a locksmith. An expert locksmith, like those at 24 Hour Holly Springs Locksmith of Holly Springs, NC , is knowledgeable about all types of keys and may even be able to provide you with a solution over the phone. In the event that they need to come out and look at your vehicle and key, they will be able to diagnose the problem and whether it requires intervention from a mechanic.

Basics of Transponder Keys

A transponder is a special kind of car key that contains a chip in the plastic fob. When you insert a transponder key into the ignition, the engine sends a digital signal to the key that contains a code. To complete the circuit and make the engine start, the key must send the appropriate signal back. Think of transponder keys as being stealth agents. Transponder keys disable the vehicle’s immobilizer and allow it to start. 

The blade, or metal part, of the key is damage-resist and will usually hold up through many years of use. If broken, this is usually the easiest part of the key to fix. The harder part to fix or replace is the chip inside of the key fob. Read on for more information about common transponder key problems and their potential solutions. A skilled locksmith can assist you with any problems you’re having regarding your transponder keys.

Common Transponder Key Problems

The Chip Gets Damaged

Transponder keys are not as easy to replace as standard automotive keys because of the security features that make them what they are. Transponder chips need to be programmed to your specific vehicle. A locksmith can perform this service for you and has access to all of the technology to program the transponder chip correctly. This is easier to do if you have your original key. If you don’t, check the next section for tips on how to deal with transponder key issues. 

If the problems lies in your chip, it can render your key completely useless until you get it replaced. So it’s important to act on having it replaced as soon as you realize there’s an issue.

Your Car Keys Are Lost or Stolen

If you’re sure that your car keys were stolen, or you’ve looked everywhere to find your keys only to have them come up lost, you will probably need to replace your transponder key. A locksmith can replace a transponder key without having one to duplicate, however it is a longer and more difficult process as they have to fit it to your vehicle’s lock. It’s important to have a spare so that this situation can be avoided. Don’t be embarrassed at the situation if you’ve lost your keys or they’ve been stolen. Give a trained locksmith a call and they can initiate the process of producing a new transponder key for your locks.

The Key Won’t Start Your Car

This could be due to a number of issues afflicting either the lock mechanism or your transponder key itself. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause yourself. Your transponder key is powered by a battery, and that could have gone dead. It’s also possible that something has malfunctioned with the chip. It’s best to have the cause of the issue determined by an experienced locksmith. It could be due to a damaged lock, even if you don’t see anything wrong on the exterior of the lock. It could be a problem with the communication between the chip and the internal computer. Only a professional will be able to diagnose the exact cause.

Your Refurbished Transponder Key Isn’t Working

Many online outlets provide refurbished transponder keys for sale, and many money-conscious consumers have purchased these to save a few bucks. Make sure if you buy a transponder key online that it is from a reputable dealer to avoid any issues. Many dealerships refuse to program transponder keys that were purchased online, so keep this in mind if you’re considering buy one. Some keys are not capable of being programmed for particular vehicles, depending on the make and model. You might think of it as a money saving hack, however, it can cost you more than it’s worth in the long run. If you’re experiencing issues with a transponder key you purchased online, call a locksmith for assistance. They can attempt to program your transponder key with the best technology available.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Security for Commercial Property

Security for commercial properties is very important. Businesses are often targets of theft, unfortunately. We live in a day and age in which this is happening more and more frequently. Often times, you hear stories of retail stores that had items like clothing taken from them. Or you will hear of offices missing important paperwork, or other businesses having had money stolen from them. 24 Hour Holly Springs Locksmith in Holly Springs, NC is a company that cares about the protection of commercial properties. It is their goal to not only protect homeowners, but also commercial property owners. So if you are managing a building or store of some sort, be sure to look into the options that are available to you. If you’re located in or near Holly Springs, North Carolina, be sure to call 24 Hour Holly Springs Locksmith to get more information, totally free of charge. More than likely, there is a lock and security provider in your city that will offer a consultation for free, no matter where you are located.

Commercial Property Security: Why It’s Important

It is so important to protect your property. If you fail to do this, then you will run the risk of your items being stolen. But you don’t only have to worry about criminals. It can also become easy to misplace things if you don’t have a security system of some sort in place. What we mean is, you don’t just have to worry about having locks on your doors. You also should have locks on your cabinets, and a safe inside your office. These are ways that keep items out of eyesight but also better secured, so you can stay organized. Lack of organization is a surefire way to end up misplacing important items, from paperwork to money. Any building that has loose cash should have a safe that the money can be locked away in. This is a given. So, commercial property security is important so that you don’t end up losing important items, or having anything stolen from you. So now that you understand its importance, let’s move on to steps you can take to better protect your property. Let’s talk about the options which are available to you through your local locksmith!

Popular Options for Better Property Security

Access Control

Access control is a way of limiting access to a building or to parts of a property to specific individuals or a specific individual. You can take advantage of an access control system that uses a keycard, for example. Only the people who you want accessing certain points of your property will be given this keycard. You can also use a system that takes advantage of a passcode that must be entered to gain entry.

Panic Bar

Often times, property owners don’t think about panic bars and why they would need them as a security feature. However, when you are in charge of a property, you are responsible for ensuring that the people who come into it are protected. One way you can do this is by having panic bars installed on your doors. This allows for a smooth, fast form of entry in the event that an emergency arises. Let’s say that you end up dealing with the unfortunate circumstance of a fire. You will want employees, clients and customers to be able to get out fast. Having panic bars will eliminate the opportunity for too much foot traffic to accumulate in front of the door. Think about it – if people have to fumble around with a lock, it is going to take them longer to leave. You want them to be able to get out fast, and with panic bars, they can.

Cabinet and Desk Locks

Cabinet and desk locks can do more than just keep unwanted persons out of your desk, cabinet, etc. They can help you to get into a routine that keeps you organized. If you get used to putting confidential paperwork away every day in your file cabinet, and then putting a lock on it, you will form a routine that helps you to stay organized. But of course, the primary benefit is that unwanted hands will stay off your important items. 

To Read More of this Article, Click this Link

Monday, November 6, 2017

Signs You Are Experiencing Ignition Issues

Even if you have the most recent vehicle on the market, you can still experience a problem with your ignition cylinder. This is just a reality that many motorists have to accept. You hop in the car, turn the key but there is nothing, when you try to start your car. We’ve seen this happen plenty of times at 24 Hour Holly Springs Locksmith.

When something like this happens to you, the first thing you think is that you will have to replace your ignition cylinder or that your key has broken off inside the ignition. If this is what you are experiencing or have experienced it in the past, continue reading. This information may be of value to you. Perhaps the key is stuck in place or you may be able to help someone else who is experiencing this same problem. 

Provided the type of car you own, you may be able to handle this problem on your own. There is no one solution that will remedy the problem for everyone because the types of cylinder designs vary based on the type of car you have. In some instances, you may have been advised to simply wiggle the key while wiggling the steering column back and forth. Even though this hasn’t been verified to be effective, we have actually seen this technique work for many of our customer’s. However, this is again dependent on the type of ignition that you have. In some case, applying the wrong pressure in the wrong places could rip them into pieces. 

The one thing we want our customers to consider is just how easy it is to snap off the key, causing a problem that is already bad to go from bad to worse. If you are patient enough to wait on one of our professional service technicians, you can avoid this from happening to you. Cars built today are built on an assembly line by robotics and have small parts. This makes it easier to damage the parts of your vehicle when repairs are adjustment is being made.

A problem that you had, which may have been very minor, can quickly turn into a more serious and expensive problem. it is only advisable for someone with the proven technical experience to make any needed changes and repairs. When a friend or family member suggests that you allow them to handle the job to save you money, consider the problems that can be caused if they do not have the technical experience needed to handle the job.

They will not be responsible for anything that happens as a result of their efforts. This will cost you more money in the end. However, if you’re willing to assume responsibility for attempting to make resolve your ignition problem, here are some things you can try: 

Parked Position: One of the easiest things for you to do is to make sure your car is in the ‘park’ position. If the gear is still in the ‘drive’ position or any other position other than ‘park’, the safety lever will not enable you to remove the key. Apply pressure to the break and place your car in ‘park’ if isn’t already. This should fix the problem. 

Dead Battery: Sometimes we don’t consider the most logical things when we find ourselves in an unpleasant predicament. Some key release mechanisms are electronically powered. This means that if you have a dead battery, they will not work. The way to check to see if you have a dead battery is to turn on one of your cars electronic mechanisms, such as your headlights. If the lights do not come on, you might even consider checking your emergency light. Still no luck, you likely have a dead battery. Charging your battery should resolve your problem. 

Steering column: As was mentioned previously, you can sometimes release your key from the ignition by wiggling the steering column back and forth. The key to its success is doing so gently. If you do not, you could easily break the key off in the ignition. This is somewhat risky so you may decide to wait for a professional technician to handle the job. If you have done this before and feel quite confident, go for it. Just remember that this could occur again so even if it works, you should still have the problem checked out by a professional later. 

Thermal expansion: You might be able to expand the cylinder slightly by applying the law of thermal expansion. In this case all you need is a hairdryer. Apply heat directly to your cars cylinder and see if it doesn’t help to expand it and release the key. You’ll need to also apply is to the exposed piece of the key in order for it to work effectively. You could also try applying heat to both the key and cylinder to see if it softens the metal making the key easier to remove. Just be aware of the fact that the key can become warped from the heat. Be careful!